Sunday, March 17, 2024

Zero Day Braconid

Braconid ZERO Series Generator 0001
#Synapse A Synapse #TRANSPONDER
CUE UPLOAD Application
(-)ssRNA Virus #ENGINE
Time Machine #EPISODE
Art-i-#Fact 57393
20:20 Ton Ton 20:20 Ni
20:20 San San 20:20 #Mill
Ni is The Lower Limit
Mill is The Upper Limit

Braconid ZERO Series Generator 0010
#Synapse 9 Synapse #TRANSPONDER
In The Untranslated #REGION
20:20 Meta-#FACTORS
20:20 #FORM-ulating
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 persistence assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Braconid ZERO Series Generator 0011
#Synapse 8 Synapse #TRANSPONDER
03/17/25 to 03/17/21
20:20 #TIME Traveler
20:20 #REFLECT-ive Thought
20:20 Ton Ton 20:20 Ni
20:20 San San 20:20 Mill

Braconid ZERO Series Generator 0100
#Synapse 7 Synapse #TRANSPONDER
Drama Queen Bada #BING
#An De Ti Go <000>
An #De Ti Go <111>
An De #Ti Go <222>
An De Ti #Go <333>
Braconid in The #TABULATION
Ton Ton Ni San San Mill

Braconid ZERO Series Generator 0101
#Synapse 6 Synapse #TRANSPONDER
Chit Chat Mango Tango #CUE
20:20 Song Song 20:20 Tam
20:20 Song Song 20:20 #Tam
20:20 Ton Ton 20:20 Ni
20:20 San San 20:20 Mill

Braconid ZERO Series Generator 0110
#Synapse 5 Synapse #TRANSPONDER
Magic #ACT Cosmopolitan
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years

Braconid ZERO Series Generator 0111
#Synapse 4 Synapse #TRANSPONDER
#AUG Shimma Shimma AUG
41 Deliver #ANALOG
20:20 #CDS CDS
20:20 Ton Ton 20:20 Ni
20:20 San San 20:20 Mill
Math Translate #STRUCTURE

Braconid ZERO Series Generator 1000
#Synapse 3 Synapse #TRANSPONDER
20:20 UTR 20:20 G T A C#
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 persistence assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
20:20 Ton Ton 20:20 #Ni
20:20 San San 20:20 #Mill

Braconid ZERO Series Generator 1001
#Synapse 2 Synapse #TRANSPONDER
#YouTube #IRES
20:20 #RE-Cord
Re-#CORD Score
Like an Addict I RE-#LOAD
20:20 Defense Against
24/7 persistence assault
1000+ Days, 3+ Years
Ton Ton Ni San San Mill

Braconid ZERO Series Generator 1010
#Synapse 1 Synapse #TRANSPONDER
20:20 5 Cap Prime
Render This Module
w/Pencil On Paper
DEVELOP Smallpox Crystals
On Pencil&Paper Platform
20:20 Ton Ton 20:20 Ni
20:20 San San 20:20 Mill


  1. Satan 41 Says to LA Area Gang Table

    "As a Biological Weapons Thing
    Your Value is High Past 'x'"

  2. Satan 41 Says to LA Area Gang Table

    "I Already Took It

    Of Course

    See a Billion Dollar Vehicle Left Unlocked and Running in Front of a House

    I Happened to Be Walking By

    That Car is Mine Now"

  3. 41 Says "Person x Did Not Sign Up
    to Be a Part of a Biological Weapons Program
    A Program That'll Require Their Continued Participation Lifetime After Lifetime

    See Me Looking at The People as They Talk

    They Have No Idea That They Are Part of a Biological Weapons Program

    and The Program They Are Part of
    Mostly Just Uses The Humans for Props and Puppets
    The People Could Be Replaced w/Other Bio-Forms

    See The Recent Smallpox Addition
    See Elements Launched to Try to Counter It and The Other Biological Weapons
    and Serious Elements

    Those People Know Nothing of This

    And It Would Make The Bus Look Bad to Have It Look Like
    We're Abusing Black&Brown People

    Those People Did Not Sign Up to Work w/Rabies, Ebola and Smallpox

    See Those People at a Party

    Those People Need to Go Ahead and Get The Fuck Out of The Car
    Before They Get Hurt"

  4. Satan 41 Says to LA Area Gang Table

    "Those 'People' Need to Go On Ahead
    and Get The Fuck Out of The Car
    Before They Get Hurt

    If 'x' Could Have Stopped Me
    It Would Have Done It Before I Developed&Installed The Pox
    Nah Mean?

    Like 'Private Security Guy x'
    If He Had Had The Opportunity to Kill Me
    He Would Have Killed Me
    Well Before I Was Able to Arm Myself w/All These Biological Weapons

    Those People Need to Get The Fuck Out of This Car
    Before They Get Hurt

    Dying of Rabies, Is Not Like Dying of a Gun Shot Wound to The Head
    and I Have Weaponized Rabies Galore

    Those Occupants in That Van
    Need to Get The Fuck Out"

  5. Satan 41 Says to LA Area Gang Table

    "It Ain't Like Any of Those People Are Aware of This Situation

    It'd Be Like Back in The '80s
    See People Who Don't Live in California and Who Hadn't Heard of Gangs or The Crack Game

    Like That

    It Ain't Like Any of Those People Are Aware That They Are Part of High-Value Biological Weapons Program

    See You Cloaked On 'Street Corner x'

    Me and The 66/6 Virus Homies Cloaked You On That Corner
    Not Gang Members from California
    See a Serious Element Shooting at You
    Because You Are a Biological Weapons Program
    Me and The 66/6 Virus Homies Working Those Issues
    Not Gang Members from California
    Gang Members from California, at This Now, Do Not Know About This, and If Any Have Seen It, They Don't Know It's Real
    It'd Be Like Back in The '80s
    Some Segments of The Pop., Like Segments That Lived Far From LA and Big Cities and Had Never Heard of Gangs or Crack Cocaine
    and They Probably Wouldn't Believe You
    If You Told Them About It Like
    'This is What's Going On in Watts in 1988'
    They Might Be Like 'Yeah Right, That Kinda Stuff Doesn't Happen in America
    That's Not Real'

    One of The Reasons
    I Get Loaded So Heavy w/So Many Biological Weapons
    Is Because I Use Them

    If I Were Talking Guns
    It'd Be
    The Reason I Am Given So Many Guns
    Is Because I Use Them"

  6. Satan 41 Says to LA Area Gang Table

    "Other Issues

    Like Chicago and Brazil
    Who Also Have Big Aggressive, Gang Tables
    Who Not Only View You as a Rival
    But as an Inferior Spoiled Rival Who Gets All The Attention and Credit for Starting Gangs in The Americas

    They View It, Generally, as You Are Given More Points Than You Have Earned

    Brazil Is Like 'They Better Hope They Never Run Into a Real Gang'

    So, See 50 Brazilian Niggas Show Up
    And What? Only Me and The Virus Homies Happen to Be Outside When They Show Up
    Gang Members from California Know Nothing of It

    There Are Only So Many Gang Tables in The World That Are Round About in Your Class
    Brazil is One That is Close
    and They Think They Can Take It as a Given
    That if 'x'
    They'll Take You Out Easy
    You Know and I Know They'd Be More Worried About Chicago
    The Assumption Being That Hollywood and The History of Media Over-Attention Has Given You Points That You Really Didn't Earn"

  7. Satan 41 Says to Iblis and The Retrovirus

    "See Somebody's Hood

    See The Graffiti On The Wall

    See The People

    'Gang x' is Biological Weapon Program
    and The People in The Gang Are Not Aware of This
    Look at The Gang Members

    Telling You, I Don't Even Need to Finish

    See a Building
    We Want Those People to Leave The Building
    So We Can Take The Building
    w/o Having to Go to The Human House Party
    See a Large Group of Human Beings Laughing and Joking and Doing Human Stuff
    We Want Those Fun-Loving People to Get Off That Twister Mat
    Preferably, Voluntarily Like 'Oh Yeah, Gangs Are Bad for Society, You Can Have Our Twister Mat'

    Now, It Was People That Grounded Those Programs
    See a Human Writing Graffiti On a Wall
    See a Gang Member in a Coffin
    See Tattoos On a Gang Member
    But They Do Not Know It Is a Biological Weapon and Could Be Viewed as a Furthermore Crime Against Humanity from Their Hood

    I Believe That Most of The Hoods Can Be Encouraged to Let Go of The Demon

    See, It's Not That I Have a Thing Against Those People
    I Do Not
    However, I View Them as Good People
    and I Do Not Assume That They Want to Be Involved in The Atrocities We Commit
    See a Group of People, Men and Women, Drinking and Laughing
    Those People Did Not Sign Up to Be a Part of a Biological Weapons Program
    I Realize It Was People That Grounded Those Programs
    But Really, It Was a Despised Under-Class Thing
    It Wasn't Like They Chose Gang-Banging Over Going to Harvard
    I Believe That At Least Half of Them Would Have Taken a Different Road If Their Circumstances Were Different
    And See Who is Grounding The Program, That's a Teen-Ager Spray-Painting The Tags On The Wall,
    'x' Because of a Decision He Made as a Teen-Ager?
    I Don't Think Most of Them Were Thinking The Repercussions Would Carry On Beyond This Lifetime
    I Don't Assume They Want to Be Locked Into This Lifetime After Lifetime Thing Like Us

    See The People Partying
    Let 'em Have Their Fun
    We'll Worry About The Weapons System"

  8. Satan 41 Says to Dana Plato

    "It Could Be

    That Fellow Who Works w/The Infectious Agents Day and Night

    Is Less Likely to Sit in a Chair That a Bunch of Other People Have Sat Already In

    Especially After I've Been Isolated from Others for So Long

    It Could Be, That The Arctic Fox is Least 'Sympathetic' Toward The Chair

    and The Chair is Like
    'Hey, Wassup?'
    and I'm Like 'you must have Me
    confused w/someone else, monkey bitch'

    Do You Get What I'm Saying to You
    and The California Women Who Will Later Say I'm Biased Against Them

    I Ain't Touchin' That Chair"

  9. Satan 41 Says to Dana Plato

    "The pimp and the trick have reason
    to have respect for your humanity

    I Do Not
    I Work Antihuman

    and I Will Be Riding That Line Cold and Hard
    Season After Season

    My Symbol
    The Arctic Fox"

  10. Satan 41 Says to Dana Plato

    "See a Bunch of Guys Laughing
    at a Guy Who is in Love w/You

    Well, Dana, Those Niggas Ain't Laughing at Me"

  11. Iblis Says to Dana Plato
    "A Bunch of The Other Versions of Him
    Were Taken Out
    That's Part of Why This Version is So Powerful
    and Why He's Like That
    He is Aware of How&Why Other Versions of Him Were Captured, Tortured and Destroyed"

  12. Iblis Says to Dana Plato

    "He's Also Aware That Most of The Traps Set for Him
    Involve a Woman"

  13. Satan 41 Says to LA Area Gang Table

    "See What's Happening On This THREAD
    The SMALLPOX Genome Has Reason to Care About Me
    That Smallpox Synapse is Shaping My Intellectual Attitude
    It's Not Me Talking to You
    Not Me Talking to Dana Plato
    It's The Smallpox Up There
    Telling Me How to Be in This Situation"

  14. Iblis Says to Some Human Apps
    "You're Not Gonna Have an Easy Time Living Thru This
    The Operator Taking Over That Table Works Antihuman
    I Would Say You Shouldn't Be in This Situation
    And The Higher The Value Goes Up On That Gang Table
    The More Danger You Are In"

  15. Iblis Says to Some Human Apps

    "Let's Say Some Little Loner Uses The Program to Takeover a Prison from The Inside

    In General, You Would Not Want to Be One of The Other Fellows in The Institution After The Little Loner Takes Control

    Because The Virus Homies Are Gonna Say to Him
    'These People Would Have Done x and y to You
    if You Hadn't Been Armed w/This Weapons System

    So, Since We Compose The Force That Protected Your Ass
    We Expect You to Make Those Other People The Victims of Your Atrocities'

    and Your 5 Year Sentence
    Would Then Be a Death Sentence"

  16. Iblis Says to Some Human Apps

    "I'm Not The Only One That's Into This Roll

    Remember That Scene from Menace 2 Society
    Where Caine Does The Car-Jacking

    How Many Fools Came Out Their Cars, Huh?
    Getting Them Working Fools

    So, Then Later On
    See You Out in Traffic
    In a Nice Car
    w/Nice Rims
    The Car Reps Your Hood

    Unbeknownst to You at The Time
    a Biological Weapons Guy
    is Scoping Your Ride and Rims
    Like Caine Was Scoping That Square's Ride&Rims

    See a Working Man Who Lost His Car and Some Pride
    Cheering for Satan 41
    The Working Man is Like

    Then as You're Standing Out There On Street After You've Been Jacked
    The Working Man is Like 'What Matters is Right Now
    You Forgot, Huh?
    Yeah, I Remember The Day I Forgot That
    and You and D-Bo Came Along and Put a Gun in My Face and Took My Car'"

  17. Satan 41 Says to Some Human Apps

    "To People at This Now
    'Your Hood'
    Means The People

    So, If Someone Were to Talk About Stealing a 'Gang'
    People of The Now Would Assume That Must Mean Stealing The People
    What? Does Someone Think I'm Lookin' to Steal Someone's Record Deal or Something?
    I'm Not After The People
    I'm Not After Their Money
    I'm Not After Their Record Contracts or Music Video Deals

    Therefore, I'm Not Talking About Anything
    That Anyone Needs to Be Concerned About

    Do You Wanna Update Your Framework
    and Call Your Gang a Technology
    or a Genome?

    Do You Believe That Your OGs Founded a Genome
    Do You Believe That What Your Gang Has Been Doing Over That Past Decades is a Form of Genetic Work?"

  18. Satan 41 Says to Some Human Apps

    "The First Waves of Your GANG

    Founded a GENOME

    It's Well-Grounded

    See The Writing On The Wall
    See a Gang Member in a Coffin

    That Grounding Has a Proper On It

    as In

    That Genome is Grounded Proper

    The Program That is Your Gang

    is Not Some Flaky, Shallow, Cheap Program

    It's The Otherwise
    Solid, Profound, Meaning-FULL, Expensive
    See Your People That Died for Your Gang
    That's Expense
    'x' Amount of Human Lives"

  19. Satan 41 Says to Some Human Apps

    "So, Your Gang Has Demonstrated
    That It Knows How to Found a Genome
    See The Generations of Your Gang
    Decade After Decade Still Going"

  20. Satan 41 Says to Some Human Apps

    "You Wanna Stand by That Dragon
    and Keeping Riding It Lifetime After Lifetime?

    See, Right Now, You Can Get Out
    That's One of The Reasons I'm Like This About It
    Like I'm Encouraging You to Jump Ship

    I Don't Assume That Most of You Want to Be Locked Into It Forever

    If You Stay On That Dragon as It Phases Up
    You Will Then Be Deeper In
    There Won't Be Any Option to Get Out

    See Satan Ask a Human
    'Do You Want to Commit to Being a Crip for Eternity?
    Most People Do Not Want That
    I'm Not Going to Act As If They Do
    Especially w/This History of Black People Here
    I Mean, On Your Genetic Card It Will Say 'CRIP'
    Everything Else On Your Card Will Come After That
    So, It'll Be The History of Black People Here Up to The 1960s
    Then Some Black People Started Mutating
    and Turning Into Something Else
    They Became 'CRIPS'
    I Would Imagine, That Choice Would Upset Some of Your Family Members'"

  21. 41 Says to Dahoodpostman

    "You Getting The Feeling That The Digging
    is Uncover More Layers of Black-on-Black Crime?
    That's How It is w/The Atlanta Thing
    Not Saying There is No 'White Devil'
    But You'll Be Caught Up w/Discovering Other Kinds of Black-on-Black Crime Before You Find The Trail to That

    Like Starting w/
    Taking a Group of Vicious Black Gang Members
    and Saying 'Somehow These People Were First The Victims of Some Black-on-Black Crime
    Then They Became The Ones Victimizing Others'
    And On My Card
    is Says Those Tennis-Playing Sisters
    Are an Example of Some Kind of Genetic Fuckery
    as in, They or Someone in Their Family Used Some Tech, Some Genetic Hack, to Steal Potentials and Talent from People in Compton Who Weren't Expected to Amount to Much
    Which Means The Black Youth of Compton
    and My Card Says That Shit Like That
    Increased The Homicides

    You Might Get Caught Up In Something Appalling Like That
    and Put Off Looking for The 'White Devil'

    This Kinda Pattern is Gonna Try to Roll Out Again and Again
    You Know That Now
    and You're an Intellectual Type"

  22. 41 Says to Dahoodpostman

    "I Don't Think That 'x' Hides That Has Something to Do w/It
    Let's Say It Did
    Then I Would Say That Is The Best Thing Uncle Sam Ever Gave You
    You Can Use That Dragon to Leave The USA and Set Up a Colony Somewhere Else
    You'll Never Get Away from Sam
    But You'll No Longer Be Black in The USA
    You'll Be Black in Some Other Domain
    a Domain Ruled by You
    w/Sam Just Using at as a Telecomm Station"

  23. 41 Says to Dahoodpostman

    "Let's Say That 'x' is Uncle Sam's Technology
    And I Can Tell Ya That He Does Count It as Among His Properties
    See The Properties of a Thing
    That Crips and Pirus Are Among His Properties
    He Claims It, He Knows It Has Value, Worth
    Let's Say That 'x' is a Biological Weapon
    If So, It's Not Just Made to Hurt USA Citizens
    It's Not There Just to Do Damage to USA Tissue
    'Anyone' Can See The Crips&Bloods Thing Wasn't Just Harmful to Black People
    More Than a Few White People Have Gotten Fucked Up by The Thing Over Years
    'x' is Still Phasing Up and Gaining Capabilities as a Biological Weapon
    So It's Over There Becoming More Dangerous
    If It's Such&Such
    You Should Be Able to Ride That Dragon Out of Here"

  24. 41 Says to Dahoodpostman

    "See Me Doing Genetic Mods
    Yeah, I Get Help w/It
    But You See The Tools I'm Using
    It's Not Some Fancy Tech That a Person Has to Buy
    The Person Who Bought The Fancy Tech
    Sees My Roll and Gets Pissed Off
    Feeling They've Been Cheated and Made a Fool Out of
    'Cliff Huxtable' Thinks That It Comes Down to
    Who Can Afford to Buy The Software to Do The Genetic Mods and That He Doesn't Have to Worry About Most Black People Being Able to Purchase The Tech
    That's The Type That Then Goes About 'Salvaging Genetic Material' from 'Poor Black People'
    But He is Woefully Unaware That The Poor Black Man w/a GED Has The Option to Develop His Own Gene Modifier
    Even If It Means Employing a Retrovirus
    Which is Basically What 'Cliff Huxtable' Has Become a Part of Anyway
    'Cliff' Views 'Lower-Class' Blacks as Lost Causes Who Can Only Hope to Be Put Out of Their Misery
    Sorta Like Ole Homer&Wayne Williams
    and They Feel Justified in Terminating The Lives of 'Poor Black People' So They Can 'Salvage' Their Genetics
    Which Just Means Get Them Murdered and Then Stealing Their Potentials
    Like The Tennis-Playing Sisters Did in Compton
    You Can Block That Shit
    This is Not Rocket Science
    If You Can Play Dominoes and Read and Write
    You Can Develop Your Own Gene Modifier
    Cliff's Kit Gets In Spots Where All You Have to Do is Block The Playing of a Song and You Block The Mod
    So, It'd Be Like, If You Had Turned The TV Off at 'Ronnie's House' On The Day He Was Murdered, and You Had Kept It Off Till The Next Day, He Wouldn't Have Got Murdered
    There Are Particular Points Like That Where You Can De-Rail a Malicious Genetic Mod"

  25. 41 Says to Dahoodpostman

    "I Don't Seem Too Worried About It at 'y'
    Something is Giving Me Space&Time
    Efforts to Stop Me Were Neutralized
    In That, Most That Would Be Coming Off Your Freeway
    Would Roll Out a 'We'll Get That Nigga to Go to a Party
    and at The Party He'll Meet Linda
    and Linda Will Get Him to Go Outside
    and D-Bo and Them Will Be Out There
    and When D-Bo See Him w/Linda
    D-Bo and Them Will Start Fucking w/Him
    Which Will Result In That Woman-Worshipping Fool's Death'
    Some Form of That
    and More Variations of That
    And They Don't Know They Can't Afford to Miss
    So, They Miss Me Again, and I'm Then Aware of Their Attempt
    and as an Operator in This Program, These Elements in This Program, Rightfully Expect Me to Be a Certain Kinda Way

    See The Assassin Waiting for Me at The Party
    and It's Not Just That I'd Have to Go to The Party
    I'd Have to Hook Up w/&Get Temp Attached to Some Woman at The Party
    That is The Only Gun 'They' Will Be Firing at Me This Season
    That's Part of Why I'm Not So Worried
    as I Don't Go to Parties
    and I Am Well-Aware That Most Traps Set for Me
    Involve a Woman"

  26. 41 Says to Dahoodpostman

    "'y' couldn't afford to miss

    See a Hoover Driver Realize I Have Something to Do w/Their UPGRADE

    See Someone from Some Other Gang Come Along&Say Right in Front of The Hoover Driver
    'We're About to Take That Nigga Out'
    Not Knowing How I Stand in Relation to This or That

    and all of a sudden
    'y' finds itself in a bad way"

  27. 41 Says to Dahoodpostman

    "See What I Said Above About Traps Involving Women

    It Plays Like

    Either 'x' or 'y' is Gonna Meet Fatal Error Because of a Woman

    Again and Again

    Me or That Group of Guys
    Either Me or Them Will Die Because of a Woman
    See 'em Standing Over There w/Someone Loud-Mouthed Woman from Their Hood, See 'em All Smirking at Me, See The Woman Double-Smirk and Whisper in One of The Fella's Ears

    Again and Again That Pattern

    Later, See Those Guys, and The Woman Who In-Forms Them,
    All Dead

    See Me Looking Like I Have Nothing to Do w/Whatever Happened There and Couldn't Possibly Have Anything to Do It

    That Pattern


    Well, That's The Game Then

    See Some Woman Whispering in Some Guy's Ear Again
    Fortunately That Guy is Not Me
    Either Me or Him Will Die Because of a Woman"

  28. 41 Says to Dahoodpostman

    "At The Same Time
    There is a Program That Seems to Assume That I Get My Power from Women or That I Have to Link Up w/a Woman to Realize My 'x'&'y'
    So That Program Tries to Keep Me Isolated and Away from Women

    So The Woman Will Always Be Whispering in The Other Guy's Ear
    Never Mine
    and I Get The Lesson Over and Over
    Do Not Let Eve In-Form You
    Do Not Let Eve Anywhere Near You
    Never Listen to Eve

    See Me Look at My Name Tag
    I Think It's Because My Name is 'Santa'
    Welp, Looks Like Adam is Gonna Be Assed Out Again

    Ya Know, I Really Have Come to Believe That These Fools Are Grossly Over-Valuing The Women

    And They All Lost Their Lives Because of Terrell's Nasty Idiot Loud-Mouthed Whore"

  29. 41 Says to Dahoodpostman

    "It's a Theme

    When I Was a Kid
    My Pops Told Me a Story About The Devil
    He Said The Devil Told a Guy Trapped in Hell
    That He's Gonna Give Him a Test
    If He Passes, He Can Leave Hell
    The Guy Was Said to Have a Problem w/Lust
    So Devil Tells Him
    I'm Gonna Parade 100 Naked Women in Front of You
    If You Can Resist Temptation and Not Chase After Any of Them
    You Can Leave Hell
    Dude Didn't Chase After Any Until The Last Woman, Who He Chased After
    The Devil Put a Clown Hat On The Dude
    End of Story

    Later in Life, After I Was More Familiar w/The Cruelty of This World, I Realized The Last Woman in Line, The One He Chased After, It Must Have Been His Daughter, and He Chased Her Not Out of Lust, But Because He Hadn't Seen Her In a Long Time and He Freaked Seeing Her There in Those Conditions (Naked in Hell) So He Chased After Her

    Then I Realized That The Devil Did Him Like That
    Because The Devil Saw That He Was About to Pass The Test
    So The Devil Cheated, Go Figure

    Then I Realized, That It Wasn't The Dude Who Had The Problem
    It's The Devil
    and The Devil Tries to Make It Look Like He's The One Who Has The Problem Under Control, and It's Always The Other Guy Who Is Otherwise
    It's The Devil Who Is a Fool for The Women
    Not The Dude That The Devil is Accusing of Being That
    The Devil is Projecting His Own Flaw Onto The Other Fellow"

  30. 41 Says to White Queen of Narnia

    "It Sets Off a Bunch of Shit
    And I Use It to Do Damage
    The Circumstances Made It So I Really Really Mean That 'x'
    See Judith Butler
    Later, She Will Expect That I've Read Her Work
    Oh No
    I Mean That 'x'
    Judith Butler is a Woman
    So I Will Not Read Any of Her Writings
    I Only Get a Taste of Her if I'm Listening to an Audiobook and She Did The Introduction to The Work
    The Longest Introduction I've Ever Heard
    That Kinda Intellect Will Really Appreciate Finding Out at 'x'
    That Me Reading Her Work Would Never Happen
    Same w/That One Kinky Sex Woman Who Has a Book
    I Have No Idea What It Says
    I Will Never Have Any Idea What It Says
    I Will Never Read Any Book She Writes

    You and Your Sisters Should Have Picked Some Other Satan to Take Some Punk's Side Against
    If You Wanted a 'Nice' Game
    Now You're Gonna Have a Really Bad Time
    a Time So Bad
    You Never Want to Be Anywhere Anyhow Kinda Near to Me to Risk Entanglement

    You Underestimate How Much Damage I'm Gonna Do w/That One

    Remember, It's Either Me or Him
    One of Us Will Die Because of a Woman
    It's Either Me or Him
    You Came Here w/Him, Not Me,
    I Already Know How This is Gonna Go Then
    Yeah, I Would Never Read a Judith Butler Book
    Like I Would Never Read a Book Written by You
    You're Gonna Find That Time and Time Again
    I Will Refuse to Appreciate Anything You Output, Anything You Produce, Anything You Create or Write, I Will Refuse to Appreciate


  31. Iblis Says to Some Apps
    "They Tried to Play That Shit On a Person
    Who Was Already Part of an Antihuman Movement
    The Antihuman Guy Already Has Antiwoman Apps In His Kit, as He Really Is Part of an Antihuman Thing,
    So Eve, The Human Mother, is Someone He's Looking to Destroy
    Eve is Someone He Already Had Defenses Against
    All He Had to Do at 'x'
    Was Unzip One of The Antiwoman Apps That Was Included in His Antihuman Kit

    And He's Instructed to Be as Cruel and Vicious as He Can Possibly Be
    Yeah, He Really Takes That Instruction to Heart

    and The Idiot Monkey Bitch Doesn't See Any of This Shit Coming"

  32. 41 Asks Dana Plato
    "And How The Fuck Would You Pay for 'x'?
    Let's Say You Were One of Those Kinky Sex Workers That Sets Off The Reactants Everytime I Use Your Name
    How Would You Balance That Out
    You Might Offer Me Your Chair?
    The Chair You Rent Out?
    How Much Do You Charge a Trick to Sit in Your Well-Worn&Diseased Monkey Chair, Hon?
    Let's Say Its 50 Dollars
    Okay, So 'x' Has Been Drilling at Me 24/7 for Over 5 Years
    Do You Think 50 Dollars Covers 5 Years of My Life 24/7
    Yeah, I Bet You Do
    My Hate for You and The Other Monkey Bitches
    and Your 50 Dollar Chair
    Is Gonna Keep Rising

    You Monkey Bitches, Have Some Interesting Surmisings, Huh?
    Dana, Take That Chair and Shove It Up Your Fuckin' Ass
    I Am Not Your Fellow-Being
    As If You Are a Weasel and I Am a Human Being
    We Are Not The Same Kind of Creature
    and I Will Never Pretend We Are Again, Monkey Bitch"

  33. 41 Says to Husserl
    "It's Braconid
    And I Appreciate It Very Much
    Braconid Take The Eve Card Off The Table
    Like 'We Won't Be Needing That'

    The Sex-Industry Thing Made a Distortion, and It's Like People Tricked Themselves Into Thinking They Place a High Value On Whores, When Really They Do Not
    They Just Get Off On Pretending to

    Remind Dana, That a Whore is Nothing to Get Excited About
    She's Like 'But My Pimp Gets Really Excited About Whores
    The Tricks Get Excited About Whores
    What's The Matter?'

    I Said 'What's Wrong is That You Are Disgusting Imbecile Sack of Shit, Dana
    and Just Because Your Pimp and Your Tricks Have Reason to Have Respect for Your Humanity
    That Does Not Mean That You Can Expect Everyone Else to Have Respect for Humanity by Default Just Because There Are Tricks Willing to Pay You 50 Dollars to Fuck You'"

  34. Iblis Says to Some Apps
    "It Is Braconid Tho
    That's to Be Taken Note of
    It's to Braconid's Benefit for Him to Hate Women Like
    Racist Whites Hate Black People
    So Braconid Instilled It In Him
    and There Was Nothing to Counter or Offset It"

  35. Iblis Says to The Kinky Sex Workers
    "Well, Wherever in Time
    That You Do Care About It
    I'm Gonna Find It
    I'm Gonna Be There
    and I'm Gonna Do You So Bad
    You Will Wish You Were Never Born Into Existence

    Let's I've Got Two Morgans, Hudsy and Petra

    You Found Hell

    Wherever In Time That You Do Care About It
    Which is Somewhere
    That's Where You Will Meet Great Suffering
    Ain't No BDSM About It
    as Our Guy Does Not View You Whores as Fellow Beings"

  36. 40 40 Mother Time

    20:20 Hook Me Up w/Extra-Ordinary Pattern-Recognition

    So I Can Recognize 'x' in Any Form It Comes at Me In

    See Dana Plato, So Someone Like Her Can't Just Get Translated Into a Different Form and Try to Meet Me in a Different Time and/or World


  37. Braconid Asks Eve
    "Are You Gonna Run and Tell Your Heroes That
    Raymond Prayed to Female God Again
    I Bet Ya Are, Huh?"

  38. Braconid Says to Raymo
    "Looks Like You're Getting a Pox Upgrade
    Keep Working That Pox
    So You Can Pay Those Earth Women Back w/Smallpox On Their Faces and On Their Offspring
    Hurt Them as Bad and as Deep and as Long and as You Possibly Can"

    Satan 41 Smiles&Feels The Vibe

    Being Designer Evil

  39. 41 Says to Eve
    "It's Good to Have Goals
    I Have Another Goal
    to Put The Smallpox Back On The Faces and Bodies and Minds
    of You Earth Women

    You Can't Imagine How Much Joy Accomplishing That Goal Will Bring Me

    And I Would Much Rather Be The Guy That Brought Smallpox Back Into Your Daily Reality
    Than The Guy You Have w/You
    I Hope I Inspire Others to Commit Atrocities Against you"

  40. Braconid Says to Raymo
    "You Want The Earth Women Relentlessly Tagged w/ and Infected w/Dread Diseases
    Anything You Can Do Toward Getting Them Taken Out of Circulation
    Keep That in Your Mind
    Get The Women Taken Out of Circulation
    Get Them Frozen as Assets
    Do Proper Evil to The Women, Raymond"

  41. Braconid Says to Raymo
    "Keep Pushing The Prison Industries
    So That If 'x' We Hijack The Prison
    Keep The Retrovirus Involved In That
    It's Sensitive to The 'Second Prosecution' Game
    Like How The Heroes Of The Prison Prosecute Sex-Offenders a Second Time When They Get to Prison
    Tell The Retrovirus Homies About This
    That There Are Heroes in The Prison Who Scrutinize The Charges of Every Other Prisoner, and Anyone Who Has Charges They Don't Approve of, They Prosecute Those People a Second Time
    The Retrovirus Homies Just Love That Kinda Scheme
    Knowing It from Spending Time in Quarantines

    This is The Better Way
    That Way, If 'x', The Operator Will Have Much of The Prison to Himself
    As The Virus Homies Won't Stop Killing in There"

  42. 89 Says to Raymo
    "You Need to Spend More Time Offline
    You Can't Relate to The Other People Too Much
    You Need to Be Just On Your Wavelength
    Thinking 'Ton Ton By San San Mill' Over and Over Again
    You Will Reduce The Stress On Yourself
    You've Been On Here Using Other People's Software and Listening to Other People's Philosophy Works
    You Know That is a Recipe for Failure
    You're Not Like Other People
    And See This Kinda Writing You're Doing
    Get Back On Format
    Get Your Thought Back Those 10 Pod Modules
    That's How You Con-Template
    I'm Helping You Out"



  Saturday, June 30, 2018 #SuperEbola 15 E-#Organism ⯃ An #De #Ti #Go #Su #By #Ra #Me #Ni #Ko #Hu #Vy #La #Po #Fy #Ton 20:20 #SuperEbola 15 ...